Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Battle Continues?

Why is it that liberals and conservatives hate each other? Well, I have the answer to that inquiry. I myself find it very difficult to tolerate the conservative extremists, but have learned (through a few offensive rants on my part) that it is best not to generalize. In fact, I can be bipartisan at times, and am generally socially liberal while I am economically conservative. Anyway, my biggest pet peeve when entering into a political debate, is when the person or persons that I am discussing a certain policy with clearly does not know much about politics in general. In other words, I cannot stand when a person bases a belief on no facts whatsoever. Rather they have blindly formed their beliefs on discussions that they overhear from their parents.

I have found, that both sides can be contradictory at times. So if both parties are in the wrong, who is right? Stephen Colbert of course. Stephen, like myself, are libertarians, something that touches on both liberalism and conservatism, but is not quite on the same level of a bipartisan tension, because in all seriousness, not much can get done with such a tension in affect.

In summation, it does not seem that the bad blood between the two opposites will end anytime soon. Can't we all just get along? Scratch that. No one will be able to get along until the conservative extremists realize that everyone is equal (sorry, I had to say it).

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