I love food. I would spend all day eating food if I could, which I basically already do. I have around five a six meals daily. Small meals yes, but meals nonetheless. Actually, my absolute favorite foods are mushrooms, sweet potatoes and pineapple. And raspberries. And almonds. Now this, my friends, is where the paleolithic commences.
I have recently begun dabbling in the so called "paleolithic diet." The name alone is very interesting, referring to the caveman's ancient diet of plants and animals. In short, you can eat whatever the heck you want, as long as it isn't processed crap. There are so many delicious recipes that go along with this lifestyle, and to be perfectly honest, I am seriously considering going full paleo within a few months (only I plan on eating yogurt forever because no one puts baby in the corner). Rather than being used as an aid to weight loss, the paleo diet is carried out with the intention of lowering and eliminating the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, cancers, and depression, along with other avoidable diseases that harm the quality of life.
I plan on giving my final thoughts regarding the paleolithic diet after a few months of participation, so wish me luck! Stay healthy my lemondrops :)
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