Charleston Butterfly
Someone said my name in the garden
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Deaths That I'll Never Recover From, Fictional and Otherwise?
My love of news, books, gaming and movies, has unfortunately caused an ungodly amount of sorrow in my life, mainly as a result of death. Anyway, my boredom and love of list making has inspired me to create a list of those whom my heart will forever ache for. Talley ho!
1. Heath Ledger, not fictional, but the one death that will always be "too soon" (for me that is)(I still cry)
2. Charlie, Lost. Hands down my favorite character from the first television series that I watched avidly. Damn it Charlie! Ruin my life why don't you.
3. Chris Miles, Skins. Yup. Skins will make quite a few cameos on this particular list.
4. Cal and Chloe, Harper's Island. Damn. The one couple that I actually wanted to survive. Actually, that's an exaggeration. Basically every death on Harper's Island was a traumatic one.
5. Qui Gon Jin, Star Wars Episode 1. Seeing as Star Wars is my favorite film series EVER, Qui Gon was a killer for me. But then again, it did fuel one of the most emotionally charged scenes I've ever viewed. I'm talking major goosebumps.
7. Every single death in X-Men. Pardon my French, but fuq dat shi.
8. Bambi's mom. Like come on Disney, can't you leave the poor deer alone?
9. Freddie McClair, back to Skins. Praise Shiva for Cook because otherwise I would've shat myself.
10. Ezio's entire fucking family, Assassin's Creed 2 *flips all the tables*
11. Mikau, LoZ. Seriously Majora's Mask scarred me for life.
12. Dustfinger, Inkheart. I don't care if they brought him back, twas awful.
13. Biggie. I love you my king.
14. Subject Delta, Bioshock 2. Great opening though, can't deny that.
15. The Great Deku Tree, OcarinaðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
16. Satine, Moulin Rouge. They trick you into thinking that it's a happy ending, and BAM. Lives ruined.
17. Mufasa, Lion King. This is probably the most universally devastating death of all time.
18. John Coffey, The Green Mile. Great movie, even greater actor. Michael Clarke Duncan will be missed.
19. Sirius Black, Harry Potter. I feel like this was sort of an obvious addition though. Ironically enough, my three favorite Potter characters all died. What luck.
20. And finally, the obliteration of every character in Angel Beats! Yup, fml.
And an extra. Basically every single death in FMA. Dudes.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Word of the Day
Sagacity--the quality of being discerning, sound in judgment, and farsighted; wisdom

My Top Ten, Those Whom I Idolize?
I've been meaning to create a list of this nature for quite some time. There are many people, most of whom are considered "eccentric" or "quirky," who have inspired me to become my own being. This being said, let the list commence!
1. Stephen Colbert
Where to begin? Satire is what I enjoy most in life, and satire just happens to take form in the very being of Mr. Colbert.
2. Quentin Tarantino
Being one of the more controversial figures in the creative world, I immediately found myself respecting Mr. Tarantino. He is a stylistic genius, referencing numerous cultures and works of art in all of his creations. He is, in my opinion, one of the most talented people in all of the world.
3. Tim Burton
Creepy. Amazing. Pure genius.
4. Gwen Stefani
I used to pretend to dress like Gwen. She is her own person and I love that about her (also, she loves the Harajuku culture as do I).
5. Seth MacFarlane
He's so absolutely offensive, but does so to prove a point. A true prodigy as far as I'm concerned.
6. James Thurber
My personal favorite American author, artist, and doer of awesome. I was first inspired by Thurber when I was in the third grade, and he has yet to let me down.
7. Groucho Marx
The king of comedy, and that which I one day hope to evolve into.
8. Kristin Wiig
I have a strong feeling that Kristin and I could be best friends.
9. Marty Feldman
Some people have difficulty understanding his humor. I believe that those people need to reevaluate their lives. Marty is a boss.
10. Robin Williams
Robin Williams can play anything. He is completely mental--partially because of drug use--but hey, that's why we love him.
Honorable mentions: Ellen DeGeneres, Woody Allen, Steve Martin, Bill Murray, John Hughes, John Belushi, Chris Rock, Gene Wilder, Bette Davis, Billy Bob Thorton, and of course, Joaquin Phoenix
Sure, the majority of the people listed are "just" some comedians, but they are comedians who have nonetheless affected the way that I look at humanity.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
I Love Food

I love food. I would spend all day eating food if I could, which I basically already do. I have around five a six meals daily. Small meals yes, but meals nonetheless. Actually, my absolute favorite foods are mushrooms, sweet potatoes and pineapple. And raspberries. And almonds. Now this, my friends, is where the paleolithic commences.
I have recently begun dabbling in the so called "paleolithic diet." The name alone is very interesting, referring to the caveman's ancient diet of plants and animals. In short, you can eat whatever the heck you want, as long as it isn't processed crap. There are so many delicious recipes that go along with this lifestyle, and to be perfectly honest, I am seriously considering going full paleo within a few months (only I plan on eating yogurt forever because no one puts baby in the corner). Rather than being used as an aid to weight loss, the paleo diet is carried out with the intention of lowering and eliminating the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, cancers, and depression, along with other avoidable diseases that harm the quality of life.
I plan on giving my final thoughts regarding the paleolithic diet after a few months of participation, so wish me luck! Stay healthy my lemondrops :)
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
A Societal Rant
Middle school. A time of pressure, both psychosocial and emotional. To survive this precursor to high school--or as I like to call it, eternal damnation--one must dress, act, and appear like everyone else. During my time in purgatory, one was judged by the clothes on their back. It was only "cool" to wear brand names, these being Hollister and Abercrombie and American Eagle and whichever others styled a piece of cloth and put a label on it. It is thanks to these stores that I have been inspired to rant.
Shopping at Hollister was a traumatic experience for my middle school self. I would make sure that I looked "acceptable" on their standards, and even then I never felt good enough to be shopping there. Maybe it was due to the super model looks of the employees, or perhaps because of the array of shirtless men posted to the walls. Either way, I felt so, absolutely self-conscious in these stores. And to top it all off, the crappy tees and poorly fashioned sandals were ridiculously overpriced. Why then, did I continue to put myself through the anxiety of shopping at said store? It was simple. I did it so that I could fit in.
This being said, I was not surprised to find that Abercrombie and Hollister truly are as superficial as they seem to be. Their vision of the "all-American" girl is entirely skewed. It is unfortunate that these are the stores that young girls are so attracted to. I wish that I could go to all of the girls like myself, those that are stuck in a time of self-loathing, and help them to realize the unimportance brig "cool."
My advice to you? Shop at Walmart for God sake. Seriously, Walmart is awesome.
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