Friday, December 14, 2012

Born to Die?

Is God a sadist, or does he just lack the power to control his own creation?  Why is it that Christians cannot provide me with a direct answer to these inquiries.  Sorry for my disrespect toward your God, but I am just extremely frustrated with the amount of evil that has occurred in the past sixth months, and cannot even begin to understand why this could happen in the first place.  Just, why?


  1. God could save a bunch of poor beggars, but couldn't save the lives of these poor, innocent children. Yet another reason I choose not to affiliate myself with such foolish systems of belief.

    These children were the same age as one of my little brothers. After hearing the story, I imagined hearing the same news. I couldn't bear the thought.

    If there is a god, and he allowed this to happen, would he be one that we would want to follow in the first place?

  2. If God, and not us, takes responsibility for this evil act, then does he get to remove my free will to do good as well? I am not sure I want to give that up.
    I feel so helpless, but I am angry too. Angry that something happened to this boy from the time he was the age of his victims to Friday--only 14 years--that made him forget he was a human being, that he WAS those children such a short time ago. But understanding this? not going to happen.

  3. I agree, Ms. Healey. We do not blame anybody but our own race.
    You don't see other species of animals killing their own kind very often, do you?
    This shooting was terrible and I find it very hard to watch any news report without feeling pain for the suffering families.

    My comment was a direct response to Emma's comments about god's involvement; I wish not to turn this tragedy into a meaningless discussion about his role in this whole situation. I just wanted to point out that we cannot expect to be saved from all evil. This world is very cruel, and in all honesty, 99% of all the evil is shielded from the public's eyes. We do not get to see it. Remember the semi-recent stories about the person who ate another person's face? Crimes similar to this occur constantly throughout our country and world, we just are shielded. Eventually, reality sinks into our eyes and we will understand the dangers of other people.

    Should we live in fear of ourselves?
