Sunday, December 16, 2012

Why, why, why?

You want to know why?  This may sound cynical, but after days of pondering, here is why.

Rather than focus on government or politics, I am making a point to go straight to the heart of the evil that has occurred during the past six months: the people.  Why does such evil keep happening?  It is because of the people, those who ignore or improperly handle the threat that psychological disorders impose.  I have seen parents deny their children’s rather obvious disorders time and time again.  These children get no help regarding their psychological disturbances, and are thrust into a country where the accessibility of guns forms the foundation of evil.  People cannot blame the government for something that they are clearly at fault for.  Jean Paul Sartre would have described our country as being stuck in a state of bad faith.

You are absolutely right America.  Guns do not kill people.  Rather, people with stigmatized mental illnesses with little to no access to proper health care or therapy, and too much access to guns due to retailers and family members kill people.  We should be asking why a mother would keep guns in a house with her mentally dysfunctional child, or why people fail to alert the authorities to the men and women who serve a potential threat to society.  A single trip to the guidance counselor is not going to prevent these men and women from harming the innocent.  We cannot ignore the cause, the aggravation for this evil, and expect the problem to just go away on its own.

You can help by forgetting you ever read the names of these men, and remembering the name of at least one victim. You can help by donating to mental health research or supporting gun control, instead of pointing to the government as the source of the problem. You can help by turning off the news, and forming your own opinions regarding the horrific events of the past six months.  You can help, by sending your positive energy out to the victims of this evil, rather then sitting at home asking “why.”  All our words seem so small, so meaningless in the face of such horror, but we have the power to come together and stop this evil from ever tainting our country again.

The moral of this story?  Britain has the right idea, wielding batons and all.

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