This week has really frustrated me. My high school has again demonstrated it's preference to athletics. Don't get me wrong, we have immense talent when it comes to our athletics, and it is wonderful that we do appreciate their accomplishments, but it would be nice if other our organizations got some recognition. How often do you hear about the success of Theater, or Band, or Science Olympiad? The answer, unfortunately enough, is rarely.
I'm not going to lie, but this is extremely disheartening. The One Acts are this weekend and I have yet to hear a single person mention them. Of course I am a bit biased, seeing as I take part in theater and obviously want that it be broadcasted throughout the state, but I'm not sure if my bias is the actual issue here. So many extra-curricular activities accomplish amazing things, but remain unknown because the school fails to really appreciate them.
Does anyone else feel this way? Comment away! Your opinions are always appreciated :)
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Word of the Day
Haptodysphoria--an unpleasant sensation felt by some people when touching peaches, cotton, or similar surfaces

Sunday, January 27, 2013
We Can No Longer Tolerate Anti-Intellectualism
Ignorance is, in my opinion, one of the most abominable sins. How many people even read the news nowadays? Not very many. I am beyond ashamed of those who have no idea of the happenings that are occurring on a global basis. Being unaware of the revolution in Egypt is one thing, but not even knowing that the Inauguration took place this past Monday is inexcusable. How are we supposed to move forward, when we coexist with an abundance of anti-intellectuals? It is disgusting.
My advice to you? Form your own *explicative* opinions based on the information that you take the time to acknowledge. Get off of your lazy asses, stop being so egocentric, and maybe--just maybe-- inform yourselves about the world. It is not that difficult.
The battle against anti-intellectualism has begun.
My advice to you? Form your own *explicative* opinions based on the information that you take the time to acknowledge. Get off of your lazy asses, stop being so egocentric, and maybe--just maybe-- inform yourselves about the world. It is not that difficult.
The battle against anti-intellectualism has begun.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Word of the Day
Niveous--snowy or resembling snow

Tuesday, January 22, 2013
The Battle Continues?
Why is it that liberals and conservatives hate each other? Well, I have the answer to that inquiry. I myself find it very difficult to tolerate the conservative extremists, but have learned (through a few offensive rants on my part) that it is best not to generalize. In fact, I can be bipartisan at times, and am generally socially liberal while I am economically conservative. Anyway, my biggest pet peeve when entering into a political debate, is when the person or persons that I am discussing a certain policy with clearly does not know much about politics in general. In other words, I cannot stand when a person bases a belief on no facts whatsoever. Rather they have blindly formed their beliefs on discussions that they overhear from their parents.
I have found, that both sides can be contradictory at times. So if both parties are in the wrong, who is right? Stephen Colbert of course. Stephen, like myself, are libertarians, something that touches on both liberalism and conservatism, but is not quite on the same level of a bipartisan tension, because in all seriousness, not much can get done with such a tension in affect.
In summation, it does not seem that the bad blood between the two opposites will end anytime soon. Can't we all just get along? Scratch that. No one will be able to get along until the conservative extremists realize that everyone is equal (sorry, I had to say it).
I have found, that both sides can be contradictory at times. So if both parties are in the wrong, who is right? Stephen Colbert of course. Stephen, like myself, are libertarians, something that touches on both liberalism and conservatism, but is not quite on the same level of a bipartisan tension, because in all seriousness, not much can get done with such a tension in affect.
In summation, it does not seem that the bad blood between the two opposites will end anytime soon. Can't we all just get along? Scratch that. No one will be able to get along until the conservative extremists realize that everyone is equal (sorry, I had to say it).
Monday, January 21, 2013
I'm a Gamer and Proud of It
I will never understand why video games are stigmatized. Sure I have a DS. Yes, I do play this DS. Sure, Pokemon may be my favorite series. Why now, is this a bad thing? Playing video games is a perfectly healthy way to release stress after a long day at school or work, and playing games certainly doesn't make you any less of a person.
This mini-discussion was sparked by a story that I heard the other night, about a high school kid that was made fun of for playing his DS on the bus. I found this to be really sad, mainly because the bully in this situation is obviously unaware of how awesome video games are. To be completely honest, one of my BIGGEST pet peeves is when someone makes fun of video games, and the people who play these games. Is being "nerdy" a bad thing? No, being nerdy is fricking awesome.
This mini-discussion was sparked by a story that I heard the other night, about a high school kid that was made fun of for playing his DS on the bus. I found this to be really sad, mainly because the bully in this situation is obviously unaware of how awesome video games are. To be completely honest, one of my BIGGEST pet peeves is when someone makes fun of video games, and the people who play these games. Is being "nerdy" a bad thing? No, being nerdy is fricking awesome.

video games
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Ignition Point Actually Hamlet?

So I was watching Adventure Time the other day, as I often do on lazy afternoons, and noticed the very obvious references to Hamlet throughout the episode. Finn and Jake were traveling to the Fire Kingdom to retrieve the Fire Princess' scented candles, and as they were doing so, overheard two people plotting to kill the King. There just so happened to be a troupe of players in the kingdom at the time, so they donned costumes and thought of a way to warn the King of the plot: they would act out what they had heard, in the hopes that the culprits would reveal themselves and the King would be saved! Sound familiar? Why yes, yes it does! The premise of this episode was in fact, inspired by "The Murder of Gonzago," the play within the play.
The moral of this story? Adventure Time is actually educational, thus by watching it, I am not actually procrastinating, but am expanding my knowledge of the universe.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
America Again?
One of my personal favorite quotes appeared in reference to our initial growing into an agricultural power: "We've defeated the Native Americans, the Nazis, and even the metric system" - I particularly appreciate the latter. In his 'Easy Solutions,' he suggests retracing our steps to where we last saw our thriving economy, spicing up one of our clunker states (eg. new windows and rat traps) before selling it to a Saudi Prince, limiting maternity leaves to 15 minutes, and singing the National Anthem twice before football games. Ah Mr. Colbert, you are too funny. I absolutely loved I Am America (And So Can You), but America Again may be even better, given how it's focused itself on the current economic situation and offers advice on what America is doing well (just about everything) and the problems with it (mainly regular people). America Again is one of those books that I almost hated to read in public, because with all the time I spent giggling and cracking up, I'm sure I looked like a moron to people around me. But it's all but impossible not to laugh on just about every page of this, from the odd footnotes to the numerous "regular" voices in the book to the gloriously insane methods to help people with things like insurance forms and resume work.
It is important to remember however, that Mr. Colbert is not being serious. He is simply being his character, a conservative Republican who hates gays and liberals. America Again is by far, the most entertaining work that I have read in a very long time. There is no word to describe my excitement about Mr. Colbert and his talent as a political satirist. I love him, is that not good enough?
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Another Year, Another Rant
Being the President of a country of very diverse people is in fact, a very difficult job. It's unfortunate that people talk badly about President Obama, when he is truly doing all that he possibly can in the conditions in which he was placed. You do realize that there is some serious bipartisan (which, yes, can be a good thing) tension, that is preventing the President from really get big things done. Look around, our society is money hungry and self-indulgent. Maybe once society is able to shape up and realize that in order to accomplish something big, we need to change the way in which we think. We cannot throw all of our own responsibilities onto one man, just because we are not emotionally mature enough to try to fix things for ourselves. Yes, it is vital to have a strong leader to guide use through times of darkness, but guess what, we have more than a strong leader. We have a man who is willingly to put his own needs aside, in order to guide our country toward a successful future. In the end, it is not physically possible for one man to do something of this caliber on his own. This being said, stop complaining about what President Obama is "doing wrong," and maybe take the time to educate yourself regarding politics and the current state of your country.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
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