Keeping with the previous theme of poetic analysis, I decided on apply the use of the SOAPS method in order to further my understand of "From Blossoms." According to SOAPS, one must discover the subject, occasion, audience, purpose, and speaker of the poem, in order to form a substantial foundation of knowledge for analysis. This being said, I am ready to analyze!
SUBJECT: In the case of "From Blossoms," the subject takes the form of a peach blossom. The blossom is understood as the source of the peach, and in the moment is seen as the creator of this delicious beautiful piece of nature.
OCCASION: The narrator reflects on a time in which he drove to a stand and bought a bag of peaches. The particular occasion in which the speaker does reflect, is not necessarily important to the collective understanding of the poem. Perhaps Lee intentionally left out any indication of the occasion, as to show that one needs no reason to reflect on the beauty of life and the source in which life and beauty is born.
AUDIENCE: Lee attempts to target every person who is willing to listen to his account of beauty. He wants to share his knowledge and understanding of the world with everyone, so that he may provoke a deeper sense of understanding or inquiry in the minds of those who are willing to listen.
PURPOSE: Through "From Blossoms," Lee attempts to emphasize the importance of miniscule things in life. He has attempted to illustrate the wonderful moments in life, regardless of their simplicity. We all in our life where we wish that we could just freeze time, causing that moment to last for an eternity. This desire was illustrated as the purpose in the third and fourth stanzas in the work, in the hopes that this message would leave a lasting impact on the reader.
SPEAKER: It is safe to assume that the speaker of "From Blossoms" is in fact Li-Young Lee. Either way, the identity of the speaker is about as important as one's knowledge of the occasion--it's not.
Ask me about Peach Blossom Spring on Monday. There is a beautiful legend about peach trees and what they symbolize that most Asian cultures embrace. You will love it.